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Care Plus Anti-Insect Deet 40% Spray 15 Ml - Mini 2go - Mosquito Repellent

Care Plus Anti-Insect Deet 40% Spray is an effective solution against insects, making it the ideal choice for summer outings, camping trips, or any outdoor activities. With a 40% DEET content, it provides long-lasting protection against mosquitoes and other insects.

Key Features:
  • Long-lasting protection against insects.
  • Easy to apply in spray form.
  • Compact size, perfect for travel.
  • Suitable for both adults and children.

  • Effectively keeps mosquitoes and other insects at bay.
  • Does not leave a greasy feeling on the skin.
  • Dries quickly, allowing you to continue your activities immediately.

Using Care Plus Anti-Insect Deet 40% Spray is simple: just spray it on your skin and enjoy your time outdoors without worrying about insects. Don’t let insects ruin your fun, choose Care Plus!
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